December Zoom Kundalini Yoga Courses with Ana Alves Smyth
Friday 3rd Dec, 7am (2 weeks course) - Intermediate
Tuesday 7th Dec 7pm (2 weeks course) - Beginners
Crown Chakra ~ Trust ~ Bliss ~ Joy ~ Oneness
The crown chakra is the seventh chakra, progresses upward from the crown, the top of the head to the Sahasrara which connects us with the Divine source of creation, is our source of enlightenment and spiritual connection to all that is. It is a connection to our higher selves, to every being on the planet, and ultimately the divine energy that creates everything in the universe.
True opening of Sahaswara means the realization that you are pure awareness. You are pure consciousness, undivided, and all expansive. Like a drop in the ocean, you are a part of that ocean that contains and encompasses every aspect of it.
When we realize that everything is interconnected and that we are part of the larger scheme of life, we begin to live with gratitude, faith and trust, rather than filled with fear and anxiety.
The challenge of this chakra is to liberate the spirit - open to the divine - and at the same time stay firmly rooted deep in the ground.
Sanskrit name: Sahasrara - thousand petal
Element: No element, or thought
Color: Violet or white
Petals of the lotus: One thousand
Vowel sound: Ngngng
Endocrine gland: Pineal gland
Physical association: Central nervous system, cerebral cortex
Psychological function: Awareness, understanding
Identity: Universal identity
Mythological Animal: Eagle
Incense: Myrrh
May we experience joy, may we realize that bliss is our nature.
Sat Nam, much love Ana x
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